Friday, May 25, 2007
Hello people,
sorry for not blogging for a long time.
Because i just had my sec 2 camp on 23rd may to 25th may.
And i am sure everyone had fun and enjoy themself during the camp.
For me,i think this camp bond the class together.
Everyone just show thier support and encouragement,
and i think this is the first time that the class atually work together.
So yeah,i got to talked about the first day.
Woke up super early in the morning to check that i bought all my items.
Headed to school with big bags and squeezing in together with the crowd in the bus.
Introducing of trainers to every groups,
and ice-breaking game starts.
We suppose to design a poster on what are the things we would like to learn from this camp.
My group just destroy the whole thing and it looks super ugly!
But while,who cares? :D
A moment later,journey to sarimbun scout camp.
It took us 1 hour,a long journey.

Everyone in their groups designing their posters.

Assemble at the field in sarimbun campsite.

The spider web! HAHAHA.

The 'A' huts that we had to stay for 3 days 2 nights.

The inside!!!

People in their dream world.

And last but not least,the toilet.

And our activities starts :D
First station for the day,problem solving.
We suppose to hold each other hand and it is tangled.
Then everyone should work together,
on what are the solutions to make all the hands untangled.
That's when teamwork and communication comes in,
and yes we did it :D

And later,all of the groups are suppose to skip together and 2 person holding a rope.
It was really cool,
and that's when teamwork comes in.
If only one person skipping,it's easy.
But,when there's like 6 person and everyone need to jump at the same time,
it's not easy at all !
But everyone still manage to complete it :D
Second activity is abseiling or zipline.
Another word for zipline is flying fox.
My groups will be playing zipline,
and i can tell you it was really FUN!
I went up,legs trembling,nervous and scared.
Then everyone starts to encourage me,
yea had no choice but to jump and think that you will die imediately.
If there's a chance,you should try it yourself ! :D
The third acitvity for the day is raft building.
We had used the materials given to built our own boat,
and make sure it dosen't sunk in the water.
I hate it because the mud river makes everyone so dirty.
And my school shoes is just so disgusting and wet.
I really wonder how come they don't allow us,
to just get into the mud water without shoes but just bare legs.
Any creatures inside that will bite our legs? hahahaaa.
But somehow,i wanted to try soaping in mud water,
as you don't really expose to all this kind of things in your daily life accept for camp.
The mud water is very cold but fun.
And some childish people named it as 'spa',
which is super lame i can say.
Mud river is also known as '' milo river ''
because the colour of the water looks like milo or maybe milk tea?

Do you agree that the water looks like milo or milk tea?
Later on,
we had this blogging session when we had free wireless access.
Everyone had this chance to touch a tablet PC.
Instead of typing,
we use a special pen to write on the screen of the tablet PC.
Which is quite interesting because we are the very first batch of students,
who use a tablet PC in our school's history. :D
The teacher wants us to write what we learn in the first day.

Mr lawrence briefing us.
Supper,debrief and lights off.
Breakfast and followed by area cleaning.
Our group do simple jobs compared to other groups,
which had to clean the toilets.
Ours is just to pick up litters in the field :D
Teambuilding games after that,
everyone just form one circle and pass the rope around in the least time possible.
As we look through these pictures of Team Building,
i reflect on what i have learnt for this section of the day.
Time past fast,
after team building game we had outdoor cooking.
Everyone had fun cooking instant noodles,
and that's when we found whose the best chief !
Rock climbing later,
oh and it was super hard lah.
I just climb not even half of the wall and drop off :D
It is no longer just about a ROCKCLIMBING WALL,
but it's the journey that each of you have to climb.
Last two activities,Backwoodsman cooking.
It just so bullsht and i learn nothing ok?
The trainer keep on saying,GIVE ME ONE SILENT CLAP.
Like,it can goes on for 2 minutes and it is totally ridiculous.

All hands joining together.

It's lunch time !

Different kinds of utensils.

Mickey mouse ?

Can you guest who these plates belongs to ? :D

Foods for outdoor cooking.

Rock climbing.

Backwoodsman cooking.
High elements,
the very last acitivity in the whole camp.
It was scary lah,and i just had this courage to try out this.

You see how high is that?
Can you imagine?
And i completed it,satisfaction :D
It is just so UN-BE-LI-EV-ABLE.
I just kept telling myself that i can do it,i can do it.
All my friends just keep encouraging me,
and when i look down,i saw tiny people screaming for me.HAHA!
From this camp,
i had tried all the activities and really enjoyed myself.
From my opinion,
i think nothing is impossible if you really had this courage and willing to try.
I had no confident at myself from the high element,
but when you really participate in the activity and you completed it.
You will had this sense of satisfaction.
And it's just such a waste if you don't participate in such activities in camp.
And regret after that,which is far too late.
So yes,i just wanted to give a bet and try.
Later on,
everyone of us had our dinner,campfire preparation and campfire starts !
The campfire was super nice lah,
everyone was shouting,screaming,and performing :D
It was in a rather high atmosphere.
Teacher's went crazy too !
Normally we sees teacher in school with very strict image,
but at the camp they will be joking around,playing with us and many more.
That's another side of teachers :D
They know when to behave in different situation.HAHAHA!

Before the fire was being lighted up,totally darkness.

Supper,debrief,lights off.
-End of day 2-
All good things have to come to an end.....

Woke up early in the morning,
the very last day and i need to packed all the stuff.
Breakfast and area cleaning again,
and had some final debrief on what we learn and evaluation.
Prize presentation for the best class in the camp and closing.
Headed back to school,
with fond memories that i had in the camp.
Everyone is still having the camp mood,
and we cheer and sing in the bus together with the teacher ! :D
Reached school,recieved report cards.
Yes,i failed only one subject.
Just by 2 pathetic marks and i got to work hard in maths.
It's not too late to realised now than later,right? :D
Anyway,i ranked 4th out of 43 students in my class,
and ranked 4th in the whole entire level.
I think i did alright,
Overall percentage : 71.7%
Alright,a long post.
Individual effort is insignificant compared to a team's success.
Coming together is beginning,
Keeping together is progress,
Working together is success.
What you cook is what you get.
What you talk is what you show off yourself.
What you do speak more of what you say.
The Point is NOT just about WINNING,
but it's the attitude that counts.
No matter how high,
how difficult,
how impossible - the thing is that we will NOT give up WITHOUT a try.
United We Stand, Divided We Fall!
(Yes! Remember how some of you fell off the benches?)
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Had a outing to orchard cineleisure together with my primary school mates.
Yes,definetly everyone miss each other very much.
As we are all unable to hang out everytime,
because school work & cca was all packed.
And yes,all work hard during mid year examination.
Since it's over,
we attend schools now with no lessons.
Teacher's don't even care,
everyone just slacking,sleeping,chit-chatting and movie screening in classroom.
This is our very first post exams outings.
Everyone was excited,
for me i am excited about the outing because i know we will be laughing non-stop,
and indeed we went crazy in the public with everyone's joke.
And last but not least,motorcross atnight at scape field :D
Meeting time is 1.30pm,
oh well i am the last one who reached :D
So headed to orchard cineleisure,
wanted to watch a movie called 200 pounds beauty, a korea movie at 2.45pm.
But the slot was full,
so we had no choice but to leave the show slotted at 5pm.
You know,2.45 to 5pm how long is that?
But we all just joke,and stay in food court for nearly one hour :D
Ohohoh,amelia and taiyang is such a good actor.
Everyone had their lunch,
then taiyang suddenly suggested to act out a scene.
Which taiyang the [boyfriend],
wants to breaks up with amelia [girlfriend].
And amelia slapped taiyang 5 times!
Yes,it was lame i know.
But somehow,it kills time !
I got to say,they had NG-ED alot of times and they really put in the effort.
We laughed at the video like some crazy people in the public,
and everyone is staring at us and it is rather embarassing.
Haha,but we don't care because we are not in our school uniform.
And here's the story...
Amelia: 你为什么要跟我分手?( why must you break up with me? )
Taiyang: 因为你不是我的style!( because you are not my style! )
Amelia: slap x5.
They still got rehearse before felicia use her handphone to record.
Me and meiqi clapped when amelia 'slap' taiyang,for the sound effect.
A short video clip..
I super love the sound effect,
like some fire crackers!
All the credits goes to me and meiqi,hi-five :D
After leaving food court,neoprints !
And it had been so long since i took neoprints lah.
Everyone had fun posting but the machine is very very fast lah.
We don't even have enough time to post,
and we just run here,run there and just hope that we could take nice pictures.
Cam-whoring everywhere,
foodcourt,neoprint machine,mrt,ANYWHERE! :D
Soon after,movies !
The first part of the movie,
all the people in the threater was all laughing like in a total mad-ness.
And meiqi told me : '' THE GIRL VERY DISGUSTING.SO FAT ''
And i replied : '' LIKE YOU '' LOL! :D
But the last part,
it was so touching and everyone just cry and the whole threater just suddenly become very quiet.
Yesyesyes,and i know meiqi cried.
hahahahaaa! :D
And do catch this korea movie,it is really interesting.4 stars :D
It talks about some real life stories,
when people are fat usually get bullied.
And the girl finally knows one surgery doctor,
and she had a surgery operation from head to toe.
It changes from a fat girl to such a pretty,young lady.
I really hate people who look down on people who are fat.
No one is perfect,right?
Grrrrrs,anyway,after the show.
It's like 7pm already,my god.
Then imediately after that rushed down to scape field for motorcross challenge.
Amelia and taiyang left early,so goodbye.
So the journey continues with meiqi,me and felicia.
And we had fun running here and there,
taking pictures with some mediacorp artistes and superstars.hahahaaa.
And we are all absolutely crazy.
And sorry meiqi,
i was nervous and excited till my hand perspired.
My hands touched meiqi's arm and poor her shrieked madly,
warning me to back off.
After taking pictures and shouting and screaming,
we went to long-john silver as meiqi and felicia wanted to have their dinner.
And we had fun taking pictures at mrt when everyone was staring at us lah!
I enjoy today alot.
June holidays let's have another outing alright?
Stay in contact people.
And now,pictures time.





Motorcross challenge :

Zijie,all the best for your campus superstar competition ! :D
Wu luo yi :

Nathaniel tan :

Carrie :

Cui fang:


Tan Diya :

Group photo: